Grade 1

Future Device Pseudocode

Future Device Pseudocode

Get creative and let the campers design their own device that they would like to use in the future! Youth will then use their device to continue to explore how to write and create their own pseudocode. By the end of this activity, youth will have designed their own future device and have pseudocode to match their invention!

Cipher Cryptography

Cipher Cryptography

Explore cyber security practices and methods which keep our information safe in the online world. Learn about encryption and decryption as applied to computers, as well as cryptography and ciphers. Follow along with ciphers and learn about the algorithms used to create secret cipher code.

Past, Present, Future

Past, Present, Future

Youth will learn a bit about some past inventions, and what inventions may look like in the future. Youth will brainstorm ways that humans plan for the future and ways we can keep our Earth healthy for years to come.